ive had this kit for a long time now and
im just barely getting to reviewing and 100% completing it and turns out being 95% complete in the end considering i did lose one of the handles for one of its beam rifles...sad...and i broke the supporting peg that connects with the
polycap joint on the left wing...even sadder...but before all that happened i was proud to say that i did enjoy the overall look of this kit but i did NOT enjoy how much work it still needed to be considered as even a 90% completed kit...with all included foil stickers and moulded plastic...the kit
wouldve been just under 85% complete all without extra paint applications and such so this kit left me with an average feel...but the positives on this kit are really just the included accessories which are two sets of two different hands, a set of two cear blue beams with two reattachable beam saber handles, clear blue beam shield effect part, a set of two dragoon bits effect parts -one for one wing on each side, and two signature beam rifles, and with his rail cannons which are part of his main not bad when it come sto accessories right? so lets get down to articulation...very average but im sure at the time this kit came out which was about 3-5 years ago...its alright...typical two-point foot articulation, two-point knee bend but NOT! no waist rotation by default but that was fixed by simply lifting the torso just above the tabs that the rail cannons skirts ar attached on looks a little odd but you gotta do what you gotta do right? arms are interesting with the swivling shoulder joint limited to back and forth only, the arms swing in and out at only about a 90 degree angle but there is a rotating bicep joint and finally a single-point elbow bend and the usual ball-jointed wrists...pretty average liek i said...the head? its a head cmon now...and the wings are pretty articulated too with no more or less expected movements...there werent TOO many stickers that it came with so i just used the metallic red stickers and eye stickers and painted the rest...and my goodness did i sure paint the rest...the eff'in beam rifles were straight moulded in that same light gray that the rail cannons are molded in...not even a sticker for them!! so yeah i had to hand paint both beam rifles but i have to say...i did a pretty good job on them considering they were hand yeah overall this is a pretty average kit inspite of all the accessories it comes with which i think is the reason behind its strange price of nearly or just over $20USD...just go and get yourself a 1/100 Ng strike freedom or heck, just go get the MG though this HG version i sthe ONLY ONE with the dragoon bits effect parts so you might want to also consider THAT much!!