My Reviews

Sunday, March 1, 2009

wondercon in sf, 2009

so in this past weekend in san fran' was wondercon 2009 and heres just a few pictures i was able to take while i wasnt overly distracted by the "wonder" throughout the whole time

i swear they were just barely my girl made me squat like a mofo just for this pic

mr ray park who plays darth maul in star wars: the phantom menace, also as toad in the first x-men movie

some chick in a bumblebee cosplay...major props

so yeah thats just a tiny portion of what went on...i DID manage to walk away with a few bags of goodies this time around compared to just the MG wing zero custom from fanimecon last year...all 3 of which i plan on reviewing on youtube but unfortunately i decided not to take chances on any gundam merchandise this time around though it was very tempting...saving all the gundam glory for fanimecon this may


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

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