My Reviews

Thursday, April 2, 2009

new poll and some other new toys

ok so the first part of the poll is done and the winner was clearly going to be mg sinanju with mg strike freedom runing up and unicorn in 3rd but its not over no...the 2nd part is kind of a back up plan just in case i dont get one of the other three and i planned on originally walking away with two mg's with me along with a few others that arent gundam related BUT anyway go on ahead and start voting for either of the new selections and this poll will be up until the day before fanime-con

so as for the new toys...not much just bought myself a hg 1/144 tieren ground type and a transformers voyager class treadbolt...kinda wanted the jetfire colors instead but itwas getting too expensive so i bought treadbolt plus it reminds me of the san francisco angels if anyone knows about them...i just cant dig the light brown and tiny bit of orange on him but whatever!! im happy with todays picks... oh slow can progress GET!! i was just able to do some pre-painting for the mega launcher this past week and thats it...aside from gadessa ive been touching up on hg 1/144 strike freedom getting him ready for his BIG review debut(lol "finally," he must be thinking)!!

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