first off is a shot of the two parts of the left leg...i think i did better this time with the stickers
now we have gadessa in the background and the 40% completed garazzo...liking this scene can see the face behind the clear red "visor" which can be pulled down a little bit for some odd reason...
parts-swapping is required for the it is when its up
notice the difference when the visor is down? cuz i dont...i will leave the visor up just because it looks cooler that way
heres those red circles in the chest on the gadessa with stckers
same area on the garazzo but with metallic red gundam marker...its darker but i like it alot more
"the future of mankind lies with Innovator"
Awesome job, especially on the foot stickers, heard many complaints about it and your the only one that seemed to get them on very nicely.
The Gadessa looks sweet in the background of the last picture :D Awaiting the Vid review of this guy from you :)
I have to say it again. These mechas ressembles very much Tekkaman Blade. Although the first picture show a leg that looks like Tallgeese's ones.
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