My Reviews

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

HG 1/144 Garazzo WIP pt.1

ok so heres a pic of the ankle of the gadessa...sorry it got kinda dusty but you can see where i put the extra time on the sticker

now here a shot of the garazzo ankle...i cant say im too satisfied with how i worked with it but there are still two more stickers to work with so im just hoping for the best next round

heres a shot of the two outer side ankles which is probabaly the more important parts since they will show way more than the inside ankles...looks like i may be able to fool the naked eye for now


Anonymous said...

how did u get it to look so good?

Anonymous said...

Nice work on the stickers.It looks u did not use a sticker into it,looks painted^^

Unknown said...

Good work! I have to know how to do it but I have to purchase Generic Viagra. Thanks for your tutorial very much because they will allow us to make our figures look awesomes.