if you take a look at the design art youll notice that on the rear view of the GN-X... you can kinda KINDA tell that the hip joint is gonna be something new but it relaly reminds of of the arm joints on the HGUC Acguy or the just released MG Guntank but im hoping that not the EXACT joint system they plan on using... though it COULD be a strong joint, posing would be a bitch i can imagine so im just hoping that thats just armor pieces and the hip joint system is pretty much the same as what weve been given with MG Exia
aside from all that junk i still cant seem to get passed the awesomeness that this kit could potentially posses... not to mention it really gives a hint at what bandai could be processing through their designs right now for what their next MG kit would be for the 00 line or even just in general as i found that the MG Blue Frame 2nd Revise was pretty impressive itself but of course iy had some quirks but you know what? i dont blame bandai for those quirks because i look at it as experiments... they did great with MG Exia with giving it that new separate hip joint system but the ankles werent so impressive though the idea was great and so it makes me wonder if the MG Blue Frame had the same quirk because it also was given the same ankle joint system as MG Exia
as for MG GN-X... i probably wont be able to make the pre-order in terms of following through considering christmas and a few birthdays are coming up before that time comes but i can assure you... weather the 00 series DOES happen to win the votes or not... consider the GN-X as my next MG review after the MG Exia Ignition Mode set... but dont think im trying to convince you all to JUST vote for 00