My Reviews

Sunday, November 22, 2009

next MG for 00 series is...

like you didnt already know... yes the next MG kit coming for the 00 series is the GN-X unit as shown here

this caught me by surprise too as im sure it did with everyone else but you know what?! i dont think its such a bad idea after all. look at it as a sign of whats to come in the later releases of 00 MG's *COUGHMasuraoCOUGH* and just the fact that Bandai's technologies put into their MG's have been advancing especially in the 00 series and aside from that its really refreshing to me to be seeing this considering the only OTHER units that have been getting the MG attention are grunt units like the Zaku's which have TONS of alterations already released and STILL being released in the near future... talk about creativity and smart spending of funds though i CAN see that potentially happening too with the GN_X considering the other forms this unit takes like the GN-X II and GN-X III and even the GN-X Advanced!! now that would be sweet... anyway it could also be sweet to see if, and im sure there SHOULD be, an LED unit as well but of course in RED!! that would be so awesome... and finally i just love the design of the GN-X... totally something different and over time its just grown on me... now i just cant help but wonder what other unit from 00 *COPUGHMasuraoAndMaybeEvenABetter00COUGH* they would give the MG treatment to


Anonymous said...

Thats hot I kinda want it I hope they make a 00 Raiser Mg lol

versusZ said...

i would hope so too though a stand-alone PG 00 raiser would be... well... perfect... ive actually got some plans for its build too =) but hey well see

Projecteae said...

I dunno why, but lately I've been kinda wanting to check out the reborns gundam a bit more. Think you'll ever get the hg kit for it? I'd like to see your take on it.