My Reviews

Monday, November 16, 2009


alright, alright, alright... i know... i know... what the EFF have i not been doing to update this here blogger?? who cares... what matters is the current matter at hand and it involves alot of what ive been thinking about in terms of "what happens after SD Blitz gundam?!" assuming that it will be the last kit i build until i have no more kits to build... well at least until after HG masurao but with that in mind ive been thinking about doing gundam reviews according to series... for example depending on WHAT i come across between now and when ever "then" is ill be taking a full concentration on doing reviews for gunpla coming from that series... now that doesnt exactly mean me going out to get every single kit from a particular series but ONLY the ones i find interesting and more importantly, the ones i dont have but this is where it gets confusing... lets say i go with the SEED Destiny series and i already have the HG strike freedom and destiny gundams, so does that mean i wont be getting those two in a bigger/better scale? no... MG strike freedom and destiny have been on my "wanted list" for quiet some time now so that just goes to show that there WILL be exceptions but hey enough with the garbage!! how about we get to the point... the fun part of course is when i get lazy to decide for myself and yes i tend to do this alot... i make YOU GUYS DECIDE!! so i will be posting this poll up (which should be both UP and literally UP) asking you guys obviously to decide for me and besides i think this is more fun due to the fact that in the end it could be anything and which ever the outcome... i think it would be fun to go with what you guys had decided and just go from there as it adds to a sense of freedom and adjustment... not to mention surprises... SO... happy voting guys and oh by the way... for those ever wondering about whats going to happen to the revoltech reviews?! ive postponed them until further notice due to the fact that they are just not worth it at the moment considering their size and quantities and overall price tags hence ive just decided to continue with gunpla and transformers... until further notice as i said...

ok now i think ive spoken enough so yeah... aside from all that junk up there i will be posting up alot of pictures of my recent works that never got to make it up here and that goes from all the way back to HG exia r2 and 0 gundam acd so look out for those but ill be trying to find a way to link them to a gallery of sorts so that i dont waste time and space putting them all here...


Projecteae said...

yay, gunpla pics. I digs gunpla photos.

2old4toys said...

About time you did a blog update!