ok guys so the season has ended and new years is in a few days and as ive said 2010 is a year for change; a new decade... which is big i mean c'mon... and it has come to my attention that i should really be getting back into school because as you all know ive been dragged into a working life rather than a balance with work and school life like how it used to be. i dont know if i will actually be able to get into a the school id want to get into this spring let alone qualify for any form of financial aid which is tough considering my current job isnt stable and doesnt pay very much but im not mad... at least its still a job right? anyway, what does that mean for future video content? well it only means REVIEWS will be more rare due to the fact that i would really want to focus on which ever class/es more. we all say, and myself included, do what you have to do, and put life ahead of your hobby... well... this is me doing just that... i have high hopes for getting back into school even if it isnt exactly full-time and im not completely bummed out at all or anything about my sort of hiatus from gunpla and on top of this, everything is still all in planning stages so anything can change i mean i might not get into the desired class or i might, but i guess the other question is... what of the gunpla i said i would review in the future? well of course ill still get the 00 kits all the way up until i feel that ive gotten what i only need rather than what i only want like the MG GN-X and any other interesting MG's from 00, HG Reborns(maybe trans-am), Masurao and Susanowo(maybe trans-am as well), Gadess, Arche, and Seraphim(super late).
ok so i must be losing you guys in my rambling again so basically: ive declared for myself that id step my life up, or at least step a few things up in my life, for this new decade. i wont be getting any younger... i cant live the way i am forever either... so im making a change with what ever will i have to my better liking. if things go the way id like them to it would most likely mean either a rarer output of reviews... or just a total hiatus(which is less likely cuz i know id miss you guys anyway like i always do, no homo). am i ready to make these changes? no... but will i try my best to see it through? of course... so no matter what the outcome, 2010 will be my year
My Reviews
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
2010 gundam 00 movie gundams
heres the link to the original post
yeah im not too sure about the look of the new gundams BUT i can pick favorites right now and that would have to be either the Harute(\Allelujia Haptism) or the Raphael(Tieria Erde)... they look really awesome and i bet they would look much better as model kits either in the HG or the MG line. im totally not sure about whats going on with the 00 Quan[T] because to me its really beginning to look alot like some kinda of robo-organic gundam and more closer to an Innovators' suit... even more so than Tieria's Raphael Gundam. aside from that im not really feeling the a-symmetrical look with the fangs concentrated on one side... i hope that the 00 Quan[T] will have some other weapons to hold on his right arm to kind of balance that look. but the swet thing about the design is the Nu Gundam homage...hmm... and Zabanya(Lockon Stratos)... probably not as weird looking as the 00 Quan[T] but it does its job as a fire-arms based gundam. who knows what those things hanging from its waist are based on what we know to date but hopefully their functions get revealed soon. i would guess that theyre missile pods or something which would be sick and all i can think of is getting that kit an giving it a Heavyarms custom paint job(ideas here people get creative!!)
anyway... thats just my initial take on those gundams... and like before my thoughts on them might change overtime. as model kits though i do believe they would be pretty interesting though i can only imagine that they would NEED a action base or stand for them to really look good... or let alone stand on their own. but well see what Bandai can pull out of their sleeves with these kits but all i have to say about these designs is: "i guess they make sense for 'movie' gundams"
look out for a video response to the original post too on my VersusEclipse channel
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
just a couple of updates
So i was going through my daily check on the ngee khiong blogspot and i came across the Robot Damashii Susanowo. Now, i never really liked the look of the Susanowo but, for the Masurao i feel quiet opposite. Its got great colors and wields two awesome looking beam katanas instead of the physical swords of the Susanowo, though the reason behind the physical swords does make sense.

Now those are little images i took from the ngee khiong blogspot and once i saw them i immediately noticed the difference between them and the HG kits and i have to say it really caught my attention. The sculpt of these figure are just amazing and i believe Robot Damashii is pretty well known for producing these little figures with anime-accurate sculpting. Unfortunately, these figures go for about twice the price of your average HG kit and they actually come out of the box considerably smaller than your average HG kit. Its like paying for a less posable yet more detailed and sculpted Revoltech figure. So getting either the Robot Damashii Masurao or Susanowo would probably be just a thought since they arent exactly in scale with the HG kits though they are in scale within the same line. I would get either just as a pretty sweet display piece on top of some random shelf in my living room and no one would really know its from Gundam 00, instead they would just see it as an awesome looking mech that wields two swords.
I just hope that since they supposedly improved a few things with the HG Masurao kit which, by the way, i had to also cancel on that order. I now have a plan when buying that kit and i just hope that Sun Entertainment is still open so that i cant get the HG Masurao and something else ive been wanting for a while along with it.
Aside from that, im glad to say that recording for MG Exia has been FINALLY finalized and the editing process is taking place as i type so look out for the final and best part of the MG Exia review coming hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday of this week and yeah... i did come to fix the arm, though i have to now resort to taking my sweet ass time with posing that right arm, piece by piece. Heres a shot of my MG Exia showing you how bad ass he can look with JUST his GN Beam Daggers. More to come soon guys but if you wanna check out just a couple more photos, you can hit up my Flickr page here!!
high grade,
ignition mode,
master grade,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
just made a Flickr account!!
ok so as i CALMLY finish the "maintenance" of my MG Exia i veer off and try to tend to other things like making a new Flickr account so that i can finally post some pictures up!! well i dont mean NOW exactly when i say "finally" but you know... i DO have some photos that i will be uploading after the MG Exia review is finally done (after a long months worth of waiting) and hopefully ill be able to get some time to make a slide-show or gallery or what ever that i can link and post in this blog... somehow. so ill be doing kind of a written review thing using a couple of photos that i already have, and then ill be doing what i would like to call the "pose-ability" series (finalized name in progress =p) where i basically showcase using some photos with what ever kit im talking about and having that kit pull off some of its best poses with the given and working amount of articulation. im kind of excited about that part actually cuz i know alot of you, and myself included, are real action-pose freaks so this should be pretty good for all of us. i just hope my batteries last me (only those who know about my batteries wouldve gotten that one =p)
Friday, December 4, 2009
delay in MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode review
so you remember that piece that had a crack on it back in the inner frame review?? at the moment im a little too pissed off to post pix of what my formerly sexy kit looked but yeah well that piece eventually gave in even after i had applied some plastic cement on it... apparently i didnt put enough or the piece just totally wore out after moving the arms so much... i dont know what to blame in this situation weather its me being too careful and breaking something instead or it was bandai and how they couldve just used a totally different joint system there... either way im gonna have to delay the final and best part of the review and let some of the new coats of cement rest... if it comes down to it... ill even grab some gorilla super glue because i dont want to have to waste money on getting another MG Exia kit JUST for that damn piece... but then again i DID plan on getting another one eventually... god damnit...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
"what's with that stand?" more on MG GN-X Pt. 2
yeah... what the EFF is THAT?! why exactly is there a stand behind that kit... that really concerns me because as excited as i am about that kit this leaves me guessing "is this kit even gonna be able to STAND on its own?!" MG Exia has a little bit of standing issues itself so if the MG GN-X has that same issue then thats when i would begin to joke about the 00 MG line to be awesome!! but with a consistent standing issue on the side... i guess only time can explain why exactly there seems to be a friggin action base behind the concept unit... oh how i hope it doesnt have to do with standing issues =/
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