My Reviews

Friday, December 4, 2009

delay in MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode review

so you remember that piece that had a crack on it back in the inner frame review?? at the moment im a little too pissed off to post pix of what my formerly sexy kit looked but yeah well that piece eventually gave in even after i had applied some plastic cement on it... apparently i didnt put enough or the piece just totally wore out after moving the arms so much... i dont know what to blame in this situation weather its me being too careful and breaking something instead or it was bandai and how they couldve just used a totally different joint system there... either way im gonna have to delay the final and best part of the review and let some of the new coats of cement rest... if it comes down to it... ill even grab some gorilla super glue because i dont want to have to waste money on getting another MG Exia kit JUST for that damn piece... but then again i DID plan on getting another one eventually... god damnit...


Projecteae said...

ouch,re-gluing of snapped bits and pieces. I so hate when that happens.

versusZ said...

man youre telling me... luckily its fixed... but for how long i dont know...

chetario said...

Have you tried checking "Gundam Store and More" if they have the broken piece in their parts store?

Unknown said...

Don't worry but actually I don't know if you are lucky or not because it is very difficult to get a damaged piece. You should ask to the shop about the guarantee the figure has.