My Reviews

Sunday, December 27, 2009

a personal update but important enough

ok guys so the season has ended and new years is in a few days and as ive said 2010 is a year for change; a new decade... which is big i mean c'mon... and it has come to my attention that i should really be getting back into school because as you all know ive been dragged into a working life rather than a balance with work and school life like how it used to be. i dont know if i will actually be able to get into a the school id want to get into this spring let alone qualify for any form of financial aid which is tough considering my current job isnt stable and doesnt pay very much but im not mad... at least its still a job right? anyway, what does that mean for future video content? well it only means REVIEWS will be more rare due to the fact that i would really want to focus on which ever class/es more. we all say, and myself included, do what you have to do, and put life ahead of your hobby... well... this is me doing just that... i have high hopes for getting back into school even if it isnt exactly full-time and im not completely bummed out at all or anything about my sort of hiatus from gunpla and on top of this, everything is still all in planning stages so anything can change i mean i might not get into the desired class or i might, but i guess the other question is... what of the gunpla i said i would review in the future? well of course ill still get the 00 kits all the way up until i feel that ive gotten what i only need rather than what i only want like the MG GN-X and any other interesting MG's from 00, HG Reborns(maybe trans-am), Masurao and Susanowo(maybe trans-am as well), Gadess, Arche, and Seraphim(super late).

ok so i must be losing you guys in my rambling again so basically: ive declared for myself that id step my life up, or at least step a few things up in my life, for this new decade. i wont be getting any younger... i cant live the way i am forever either... so im making a change with what ever will i have to my better liking. if things go the way id like them to it would most likely mean either a rarer output of reviews... or just a total hiatus(which is less likely cuz i know id miss you guys anyway like i always do, no homo). am i ready to make these changes? no... but will i try my best to see it through? of course... so no matter what the outcome, 2010 will be my year


BikerTrash said...

Best of luck in furthering your education dude!

Just drop a video/blog post here and there to let us know your alright and what not.

Be cool.

Projecteae said...

thumbs up* I've been away from school too many semesters, I can concur.