My Reviews

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SD Blitz Gundam WIP // painting phase 1

whats up people!! so this would be my first post of the year and im glad thats its not some bullshit post about me ranting on about something you guys dont care about so with this i give you some photos of some of the pieces of the SD Blitz Gundam kit that ive been working on

this first image is just the exhaust vents on the shoulders, done with black lining marker but im wondering weather or not to outline the boarder with gray to give these pieces more of a thruster look rather than just keeping it plain red

and then these next images are just different angles of the eyes which was done using both lining and paint black gundam marker, and clear paint colors over plated silver gundam marker. i still dont know what the name of the effect is called...

this last one just shows the differences between when you paint the eyes vs. using the foil stickers that Bandai provides

make sure you guys check out the following paint video on my VersusEclipse channel come back for the 2nd photo phase here!!


Anonymous said...

Now, the eyes are nicely painted! Keep it up!

Projecteae said...

can't wait to see how the blitz turns out! nice job.

BikerTrash said...

I would almost call the effect on the eyes like a candy blue.

jaco said...

versus do you have a e-mail address i can get hold of you. Have some questions i need advise on. E-mail me on