ok guys so the season has ended and new years is in a few days and as ive said 2010 is a year for change; a new decade... which is big i mean c'mon... and it has come to my attention that i should really be getting back into school because as you all know ive been dragged into a working life rather than a balance with work and school life like how it used to be. i dont know if i will actually be able to get into a the school id want to get into this spring let alone qualify for any form of financial aid which is tough considering my current job isnt stable and doesnt pay very much but im not mad... at least its still a job right? anyway, what does that mean for future video content? well it only means REVIEWS will be more rare due to the fact that i would really want to focus on which ever class/es more. we all say, and myself included, do what you have to do, and put life ahead of your hobby... well... this is me doing just that... i have high hopes for getting back into school even if it isnt exactly full-time and im not completely bummed out at all or anything about my sort of hiatus from gunpla and on top of this, everything is still all in planning stages so anything can change i mean i might not get into the desired class or i might, but i guess the other question is... what of the gunpla i said i would review in the future? well of course ill still get the 00 kits all the way up until i feel that ive gotten what i only need rather than what i only want like the MG GN-X and any other interesting MG's from 00, HG Reborns(maybe trans-am), Masurao and Susanowo(maybe trans-am as well), Gadess, Arche, and Seraphim(super late).
ok so i must be losing you guys in my rambling again so basically: ive declared for myself that id step my life up, or at least step a few things up in my life, for this new decade. i wont be getting any younger... i cant live the way i am forever either... so im making a change with what ever will i have to my better liking. if things go the way id like them to it would most likely mean either a rarer output of reviews... or just a total hiatus(which is less likely cuz i know id miss you guys anyway like i always do, no homo). am i ready to make these changes? no... but will i try my best to see it through? of course... so no matter what the outcome, 2010 will be my year
My Reviews
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
2010 gundam 00 movie gundams
heres the link to the original post
yeah im not too sure about the look of the new gundams BUT i can pick favorites right now and that would have to be either the Harute(\Allelujia Haptism) or the Raphael(Tieria Erde)... they look really awesome and i bet they would look much better as model kits either in the HG or the MG line. im totally not sure about whats going on with the 00 Quan[T] because to me its really beginning to look alot like some kinda of robo-organic gundam and more closer to an Innovators' suit... even more so than Tieria's Raphael Gundam. aside from that im not really feeling the a-symmetrical look with the fangs concentrated on one side... i hope that the 00 Quan[T] will have some other weapons to hold on his right arm to kind of balance that look. but the swet thing about the design is the Nu Gundam homage...hmm... and Zabanya(Lockon Stratos)... probably not as weird looking as the 00 Quan[T] but it does its job as a fire-arms based gundam. who knows what those things hanging from its waist are based on what we know to date but hopefully their functions get revealed soon. i would guess that theyre missile pods or something which would be sick and all i can think of is getting that kit an giving it a Heavyarms custom paint job(ideas here people get creative!!)
anyway... thats just my initial take on those gundams... and like before my thoughts on them might change overtime. as model kits though i do believe they would be pretty interesting though i can only imagine that they would NEED a action base or stand for them to really look good... or let alone stand on their own. but well see what Bandai can pull out of their sleeves with these kits but all i have to say about these designs is: "i guess they make sense for 'movie' gundams"
look out for a video response to the original post too on my VersusEclipse channel
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
just a couple of updates
So i was going through my daily check on the ngee khiong blogspot and i came across the Robot Damashii Susanowo. Now, i never really liked the look of the Susanowo but, for the Masurao i feel quiet opposite. Its got great colors and wields two awesome looking beam katanas instead of the physical swords of the Susanowo, though the reason behind the physical swords does make sense.

Now those are little images i took from the ngee khiong blogspot and once i saw them i immediately noticed the difference between them and the HG kits and i have to say it really caught my attention. The sculpt of these figure are just amazing and i believe Robot Damashii is pretty well known for producing these little figures with anime-accurate sculpting. Unfortunately, these figures go for about twice the price of your average HG kit and they actually come out of the box considerably smaller than your average HG kit. Its like paying for a less posable yet more detailed and sculpted Revoltech figure. So getting either the Robot Damashii Masurao or Susanowo would probably be just a thought since they arent exactly in scale with the HG kits though they are in scale within the same line. I would get either just as a pretty sweet display piece on top of some random shelf in my living room and no one would really know its from Gundam 00, instead they would just see it as an awesome looking mech that wields two swords.
I just hope that since they supposedly improved a few things with the HG Masurao kit which, by the way, i had to also cancel on that order. I now have a plan when buying that kit and i just hope that Sun Entertainment is still open so that i cant get the HG Masurao and something else ive been wanting for a while along with it.
Aside from that, im glad to say that recording for MG Exia has been FINALLY finalized and the editing process is taking place as i type so look out for the final and best part of the MG Exia review coming hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday of this week and yeah... i did come to fix the arm, though i have to now resort to taking my sweet ass time with posing that right arm, piece by piece. Heres a shot of my MG Exia showing you how bad ass he can look with JUST his GN Beam Daggers. More to come soon guys but if you wanna check out just a couple more photos, you can hit up my Flickr page here!!
high grade,
ignition mode,
master grade,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
just made a Flickr account!!
ok so as i CALMLY finish the "maintenance" of my MG Exia i veer off and try to tend to other things like making a new Flickr account so that i can finally post some pictures up!! well i dont mean NOW exactly when i say "finally" but you know... i DO have some photos that i will be uploading after the MG Exia review is finally done (after a long months worth of waiting) and hopefully ill be able to get some time to make a slide-show or gallery or what ever that i can link and post in this blog... somehow. so ill be doing kind of a written review thing using a couple of photos that i already have, and then ill be doing what i would like to call the "pose-ability" series (finalized name in progress =p) where i basically showcase using some photos with what ever kit im talking about and having that kit pull off some of its best poses with the given and working amount of articulation. im kind of excited about that part actually cuz i know alot of you, and myself included, are real action-pose freaks so this should be pretty good for all of us. i just hope my batteries last me (only those who know about my batteries wouldve gotten that one =p)
Friday, December 4, 2009
delay in MG Gundam Exia Ignition Mode review
so you remember that piece that had a crack on it back in the inner frame review?? at the moment im a little too pissed off to post pix of what my formerly sexy kit looked but yeah well that piece eventually gave in even after i had applied some plastic cement on it... apparently i didnt put enough or the piece just totally wore out after moving the arms so much... i dont know what to blame in this situation weather its me being too careful and breaking something instead or it was bandai and how they couldve just used a totally different joint system there... either way im gonna have to delay the final and best part of the review and let some of the new coats of cement rest... if it comes down to it... ill even grab some gorilla super glue because i dont want to have to waste money on getting another MG Exia kit JUST for that damn piece... but then again i DID plan on getting another one eventually... god damnit...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
"what's with that stand?" more on MG GN-X Pt. 2
yeah... what the EFF is THAT?! why exactly is there a stand behind that kit... that really concerns me because as excited as i am about that kit this leaves me guessing "is this kit even gonna be able to STAND on its own?!" MG Exia has a little bit of standing issues itself so if the MG GN-X has that same issue then thats when i would begin to joke about the 00 MG line to be awesome!! but with a consistent standing issue on the side... i guess only time can explain why exactly there seems to be a friggin action base behind the concept unit... oh how i hope it doesnt have to do with standing issues =/
Monday, November 30, 2009
more on MG GN-X
so as far as we know the planned release date for this highly anticipated kit(well at least for me) is January 2010, this easily goes to show that bandai has had this planned for probably not that much longer than exia's planning phases, probably even at the same time!! but i wouldnt hope that were the case becasue given MG Exia DOES have quiet a few quirks to it, im hoping though that this MG GN-X unit wouldnt suffer from the same, or at least relatively the same, quirks like the semi-lose ankle joints for example. in all honesty i believe that this kit might actually hold together in terms of ground balancing than MG Exia can but i DO see wher ethere could be potential problems

if you take a look at the design art youll notice that on the rear view of the GN-X... you can kinda KINDA tell that the hip joint is gonna be something new but it relaly reminds of of the arm joints on the HGUC Acguy or the just released MG Guntank but im hoping that not the EXACT joint system they plan on using... though it COULD be a strong joint, posing would be a bitch i can imagine so im just hoping that thats just armor pieces and the hip joint system is pretty much the same as what weve been given with MG Exia
aside from all that junk i still cant seem to get passed the awesomeness that this kit could potentially posses... not to mention it really gives a hint at what bandai could be processing through their designs right now for what their next MG kit would be for the 00 line or even just in general as i found that the MG Blue Frame 2nd Revise was pretty impressive itself but of course iy had some quirks but you know what? i dont blame bandai for those quirks because i look at it as experiments... they did great with MG Exia with giving it that new separate hip joint system but the ankles werent so impressive though the idea was great and so it makes me wonder if the MG Blue Frame had the same quirk because it also was given the same ankle joint system as MG Exia
as for MG GN-X... i probably wont be able to make the pre-order in terms of following through considering christmas and a few birthdays are coming up before that time comes but i can assure you... weather the 00 series DOES happen to win the votes or not... consider the GN-X as my next MG review after the MG Exia Ignition Mode set... but dont think im trying to convince you all to JUST vote for 00
if you take a look at the design art youll notice that on the rear view of the GN-X... you can kinda KINDA tell that the hip joint is gonna be something new but it relaly reminds of of the arm joints on the HGUC Acguy or the just released MG Guntank but im hoping that not the EXACT joint system they plan on using... though it COULD be a strong joint, posing would be a bitch i can imagine so im just hoping that thats just armor pieces and the hip joint system is pretty much the same as what weve been given with MG Exia
aside from all that junk i still cant seem to get passed the awesomeness that this kit could potentially posses... not to mention it really gives a hint at what bandai could be processing through their designs right now for what their next MG kit would be for the 00 line or even just in general as i found that the MG Blue Frame 2nd Revise was pretty impressive itself but of course iy had some quirks but you know what? i dont blame bandai for those quirks because i look at it as experiments... they did great with MG Exia with giving it that new separate hip joint system but the ankles werent so impressive though the idea was great and so it makes me wonder if the MG Blue Frame had the same quirk because it also was given the same ankle joint system as MG Exia
as for MG GN-X... i probably wont be able to make the pre-order in terms of following through considering christmas and a few birthdays are coming up before that time comes but i can assure you... weather the 00 series DOES happen to win the votes or not... consider the GN-X as my next MG review after the MG Exia Ignition Mode set... but dont think im trying to convince you all to JUST vote for 00
Sunday, November 22, 2009
next MG for 00 series is...
like you didnt already know... yes the next MG kit coming for the 00 series is the GN-X unit as shown here

this caught me by surprise too as im sure it did with everyone else but you know what?! i dont think its such a bad idea after all. look at it as a sign of whats to come in the later releases of 00 MG's *COUGHMasuraoCOUGH* and just the fact that Bandai's technologies put into their MG's have been advancing especially in the 00 series and aside from that its really refreshing to me to be seeing this considering the only OTHER units that have been getting the MG attention are grunt units like the Zaku's which have TONS of alterations already released and STILL being released in the near future... talk about creativity and smart spending of funds though i CAN see that potentially happening too with the GN_X considering the other forms this unit takes like the GN-X II and GN-X III and even the GN-X Advanced!! now that would be sweet... anyway it could also be sweet to see if, and im sure there SHOULD be, an LED unit as well but of course in RED!! that would be so awesome... and finally i just love the design of the GN-X... totally something different and over time its just grown on me... now i just cant help but wonder what other unit from 00 *COPUGHMasuraoAndMaybeEvenABetter00COUGH* they would give the MG treatment to

this caught me by surprise too as im sure it did with everyone else but you know what?! i dont think its such a bad idea after all. look at it as a sign of whats to come in the later releases of 00 MG's *COUGHMasuraoCOUGH* and just the fact that Bandai's technologies put into their MG's have been advancing especially in the 00 series and aside from that its really refreshing to me to be seeing this considering the only OTHER units that have been getting the MG attention are grunt units like the Zaku's which have TONS of alterations already released and STILL being released in the near future... talk about creativity and smart spending of funds though i CAN see that potentially happening too with the GN_X considering the other forms this unit takes like the GN-X II and GN-X III and even the GN-X Advanced!! now that would be sweet... anyway it could also be sweet to see if, and im sure there SHOULD be, an LED unit as well but of course in RED!! that would be so awesome... and finally i just love the design of the GN-X... totally something different and over time its just grown on me... now i just cant help but wonder what other unit from 00 *COPUGHMasuraoAndMaybeEvenABetter00COUGH* they would give the MG treatment to
Friday, November 20, 2009
taking a new approach to the "lets build series"
for this upcoming lets build series(sergei's tieren taozi), i planned on taking a different approach where instead of taking the same steps as with previous takes, i go with something more similar to stryderprime's style in terms of set-up but that doesnt mean im trying to copy him. what WILL be similar will be how the pieces would be ready and set for the takes instead of having to cut them from the trees in real time so that would mean i would have to take the time to not only cut parts from their gates, but to also shave excess/buff the parts... and get an idea of where the pieces would go, seeing if there is any issues that one might run into and bringing them up during the shoot... just all part of my quest in becoming a more detail oriented reviewer, considering its been ALMOST 2 years since ive been an active reviewer and 1000 subscribers later, id really like to go for some changes. does that mean no more fun wise-cracky reviews? nope!! still going to throw those in when i get a chance as you might see in upcoming reviews
Monday, November 16, 2009
alright, alright, alright... i know... i know... what the EFF have i not been doing to update this here blogger?? who cares... what matters is the current matter at hand and it involves alot of what ive been thinking about in terms of "what happens after SD Blitz gundam?!" assuming that it will be the last kit i build until i have no more kits to build... well at least until after HG masurao but with that in mind ive been thinking about doing gundam reviews according to series... for example depending on WHAT i come across between now and when ever "then" is ill be taking a full concentration on doing reviews for gunpla coming from that series... now that doesnt exactly mean me going out to get every single kit from a particular series but ONLY the ones i find interesting and more importantly, the ones i dont have but this is where it gets confusing... lets say i go with the SEED Destiny series and i already have the HG strike freedom and destiny gundams, so does that mean i wont be getting those two in a bigger/better scale? no... MG strike freedom and destiny have been on my "wanted list" for quiet some time now so that just goes to show that there WILL be exceptions but hey enough with the garbage!! how about we get to the point... the fun part of course is when i get lazy to decide for myself and yes i tend to do this alot... i make YOU GUYS DECIDE!! so i will be posting this poll up (which should be both UP and literally UP) asking you guys obviously to decide for me and besides i think this is more fun due to the fact that in the end it could be anything and which ever the outcome... i think it would be fun to go with what you guys had decided and just go from there as it adds to a sense of freedom and adjustment... not to mention surprises... SO... happy voting guys and oh by the way... for those ever wondering about whats going to happen to the revoltech reviews?! ive postponed them until further notice due to the fact that they are just not worth it at the moment considering their size and quantities and overall price tags hence ive just decided to continue with gunpla and transformers... until further notice as i said...
ok now i think ive spoken enough so yeah... aside from all that junk up there i will be posting up alot of pictures of my recent works that never got to make it up here and that goes from all the way back to HG exia r2 and 0 gundam acd so look out for those but ill be trying to find a way to link them to a gallery of sorts so that i dont waste time and space putting them all here...
ok now i think ive spoken enough so yeah... aside from all that junk up there i will be posting up alot of pictures of my recent works that never got to make it up here and that goes from all the way back to HG exia r2 and 0 gundam acd so look out for those but ill be trying to find a way to link them to a gallery of sorts so that i dont waste time and space putting them all here...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
sorry for the lack of updates...
...ive been real busy with getting these reviews in and also losing myself with building the trans-am raiser that i totally forgot to shoot and upload WIP shots for the 0 raiser...which ive painted and such...i just havent taken actual progrss shots...but i CAN take the kit apart for SOME shots...will be getting to that real soon i promise...just hang tight
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
HG 1/144 Garazzo WIP pt.3
here they are...split and cut beam claws...couldve done better on the thumbs though but im satisfied
a different angle
the normal beam effect part for the right hand compared to the worked on left hand
Friday, May 1, 2009
HG 1/144 Garazzo WIP pt.2
first off is a shot of the two parts of the left leg...i think i did better this time with the stickers
now we have gadessa in the background and the 40% completed garazzo...liking this scene
close-up...you can see the face behind the clear red "visor" which can be pulled down a little bit for some odd reason...
parts-swapping is required for the visor...here it is when its up
notice the difference when the visor is down? cuz i dont...i will leave the visor up just because it looks cooler that way
heres those red circles in the chest on the gadessa with stckers
same area on the garazzo but with metallic red gundam marker...its darker but i like it alot more
"the future of mankind lies with Innovator"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
HG 1/144 Garazzo WIP pt.1
ok so heres a pic of the ankle of the gadessa...sorry it got kinda dusty but you can see where i put the extra time on the sticker
now here a shot of the garazzo ankle...i cant say im too satisfied with how i worked with it but there are still two more stickers to work with so im just hoping for the best next round
heres a shot of the two outer side ankles which is probabaly the more important parts since they will show way more than the inside ankles...looks like i may be able to fool the naked eye for now
Sunday, April 12, 2009
review of hg 1/144 strike freedom gundam
so ive had this kit for a long time now and im just barely getting to reviewing and 100% completing it and turns out being 95% complete in the end considering i did lose one of the handles for one of its beam rifles...sad...and i broke the supporting peg that connects with the polycap joint on the left wing...even sadder...but before all that happened i was proud to say that i did enjoy the overall look of this kit but i did NOT enjoy how much work it still needed to be considered as even a 90% completed kit...with all included foil stickers and moulded plastic...the kit wouldve been just under 85% complete all without extra paint applications and such so this kit left me with an average feel...but the positives on this kit are really just the included accessories which are two sets of two different hands, a set of two cear blue beams with two reattachable beam saber handles, clear blue beam shield effect part, a set of two dragoon bits effect parts -one for one wing on each side, and two signature beam rifles, and with his rail cannons which are part of his main body...so not bad when it come sto accessories right? so lets get down to articulation...very average but im sure at the time this kit came out which was about 3-5 years ago...its alright...typical two-point foot articulation, two-point knee bend but NOT flush...wtf?! no waist rotation by default but that was fixed by simply lifting the torso just above the tabs that the rail cannons skirts ar attached on to...it looks a little odd but you gotta do what you gotta do right? arms are interesting with the swivling shoulder joint limited to back and forth only, the arms swing in and out at only about a 90 degree angle but there is a rotating bicep joint and finally a single-point elbow bend and the usual ball-jointed wrists...pretty average liek i said...the head? its a head cmon now...and the wings are pretty articulated too with no more or less expected movements...there werent TOO many stickers that it came with so i just used the metallic red stickers and eye stickers and painted the rest...and my goodness did i sure paint the rest...the eff'in beam rifles were straight moulded in that same light gray that the rail cannons are molded in...not even a sticker for them!! so yeah i had to hand paint both beam rifles but i have to say...i did a pretty good job on them considering they were hand painted...so yeah overall this is a pretty average kit inspite of all the accessories it comes with which i think is the reason behind its strange price of nearly or just over $20USD...just go and get yourself a 1/100 Ng strike freedom or heck, just go get the MG though this HG version i sthe ONLY ONE with the dragoon bits effect parts so you might want to also consider THAT much!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
new poll and some other new toys
ok so the first part of the poll is done and the winner was clearly going to be mg sinanju with mg strike freedom runing up and unicorn in 3rd but its not over no...the 2nd part is kind of a back up plan just in case i dont get one of the other three and i planned on originally walking away with two mg's with me along with a few others that arent gundam related BUT anyway go on ahead and start voting for either of the new selections and this poll will be up until the day before fanime-con
so as for the new toys...not much just bought myself a hg 1/144 tieren ground type and a transformers voyager class treadbolt...kinda wanted the jetfire colors instead but itwas getting too expensive so i bought treadbolt plus it reminds me of the san francisco angels if anyone knows about them...i just cant dig the light brown and tiny bit of orange on him but whatever!! im happy with todays picks...
gadessa...man oh man...how slow can progress GET!! i was just able to do some pre-painting for the mega launcher this past week and thats it...aside from gadessa ive been touching up on hg 1/144 strike freedom getting him ready for his BIG review debut(lol "finally," he must be thinking)!!
so as for the new toys...not much just bought myself a hg 1/144 tieren ground type and a transformers voyager class treadbolt...kinda wanted the jetfire colors instead but itwas getting too expensive so i bought treadbolt plus it reminds me of the san francisco angels if anyone knows about them...i just cant dig the light brown and tiny bit of orange on him but whatever!! im happy with todays picks...
gadessa...man oh man...how slow can progress GET!! i was just able to do some pre-painting for the mega launcher this past week and thats it...aside from gadessa ive been touching up on hg 1/144 strike freedom getting him ready for his BIG review debut(lol "finally," he must be thinking)!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
more news
ok so this would be three times in a row of me saying that i dont have any real thing to blog about but this time i think i do...but still too lazy to post pictures >_<
anyway so i ended up canceling on a few pre-orders from hobby link japan unfortunately including 1/100 astray green frame, because im just getting more and more broke so i havent exactly gotten anything especially great except for my last package which was sergei's tieren taozi which is still not too exciting of a kit unless you added some paint apps to it of course which is my plan
no progress on 1/100 astray red frame, 1/144 linebarrel, 1/72 nineball ninebreaker ver. but the progress on hg 1/144 gadessa is going pretty slow...
theres not much else i can say here that doesnt need to be said on here anyway so let me just wrap-up with saying that the poll above it about to be over real soon but that doesnt mean its over...i still need your help...so after this poll is done im posting a 2nd part to the poll exchanging the selections of 1/100 00 gundam which ill be replacing for 1/100 astray green frame if they have it and "other" which im replacing for MG sword impulse...happy voting guys!! and please make sure im not getting something im gonna regret =p jk...
anyway so i ended up canceling on a few pre-orders from hobby link japan unfortunately including 1/100 astray green frame, because im just getting more and more broke so i havent exactly gotten anything especially great except for my last package which was sergei's tieren taozi which is still not too exciting of a kit unless you added some paint apps to it of course which is my plan
no progress on 1/100 astray red frame, 1/144 linebarrel, 1/72 nineball ninebreaker ver. but the progress on hg 1/144 gadessa is going pretty slow...
theres not much else i can say here that doesnt need to be said on here anyway so let me just wrap-up with saying that the poll above it about to be over real soon but that doesnt mean its over...i still need your help...so after this poll is done im posting a 2nd part to the poll exchanging the selections of 1/100 00 gundam which ill be replacing for 1/100 astray green frame if they have it and "other" which im replacing for MG sword impulse...happy voting guys!! and please make sure im not getting something im gonna regret =p jk...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
the package finally comes
ok so as the title reads i dont need to explain myself but other than the package i bought some supplies which i will be posting pictures of later on and a couple of figures one being a transformers animted voyager class shockwave, which ive been hunting down for a while, and a NECA AVPR unmasked predator figure which at this point i do fancy for
but anywho ill be posting up photos of the new supplies and a photo link to a slideshow of the figures as soon as i get all that straight and ready for show
keep voting by the way...april is around the corner...and thanks to those whove been voting
but anywho ill be posting up photos of the new supplies and a photo link to a slideshow of the figures as soon as i get all that straight and ready for show
keep voting by the way...april is around the corner...and thanks to those whove been voting
Sunday, March 8, 2009
just another blog enttry
yeah so once again i havent been able to do anything SERIOUSLY worth posting in this blog as of these past weeks...just been busy saving up money for a whole bunch of things these up coming months as well with another hot import nights sometime this month? and especially with my 21st birthday coming in april, which are the main reasons im at a halt for gunpla purchases up until fanime con this coming may where i plan to go all out...hence the poll on top
so my packing should be coming this coming week...if not then w.e...but the last package im getting until april and june from hlj is another SRW and 1/100 seed kit
yeah, seed, i know right?
anyway im still waiting for that friggin package to hurry and arrive...other than that i have no motivation at all to be building any kits this week but well see... i do have one other lets build video for the hguc 1/144 acguy done but i just havent uploaded it...maybe i should...and the nineball is just so much work i probably would only get a couple more kits from the line...its just so much work for my life-style at the moment...im not saying the kits are bad they just take up alot more time...but like i always say...well see...but yeah i dont see myself really getting into any progress this week or at least until my package arrives cuz it would really help with the overall look of the acguy
well yeah thats it for now i guess...anyone who reads this should also answer to the poll...it would really help alot
so my packing should be coming this coming week...if not then w.e...but the last package im getting until april and june from hlj is another SRW and 1/100 seed kit
yeah, seed, i know right?
anyway im still waiting for that friggin package to hurry and arrive...other than that i have no motivation at all to be building any kits this week but well see... i do have one other lets build video for the hguc 1/144 acguy done but i just havent uploaded it...maybe i should...and the nineball is just so much work i probably would only get a couple more kits from the line...its just so much work for my life-style at the moment...im not saying the kits are bad they just take up alot more time...but like i always say...well see...but yeah i dont see myself really getting into any progress this week or at least until my package arrives cuz it would really help with the overall look of the acguy
well yeah thats it for now i guess...anyone who reads this should also answer to the poll...it would really help alot
Sunday, March 1, 2009
wondercon in sf, 2009
so in this past weekend in san fran' was wondercon 2009 and heres just a few pictures i was able to take while i wasnt overly distracted by the "wonder" throughout the whole time

i swear they were just barely my height...my girl made me squat like a mofo just for this pic

mr ray park who plays darth maul in star wars: the phantom menace, also as toad in the first x-men movie

some chick in a bumblebee cosplay...major props

so yeah thats just a tiny portion of what went on...i DID manage to walk away with a few bags of goodies this time around compared to just the MG wing zero custom from fanimecon last year...all 3 of which i plan on reviewing on youtube but unfortunately i decided not to take chances on any gundam merchandise this time around though it was very tempting...saving all the gundam glory for fanimecon this may
i swear they were just barely my height...my girl made me squat like a mofo just for this pic
mr ray park who plays darth maul in star wars: the phantom menace, also as toad in the first x-men movie
some chick in a bumblebee cosplay...major props
so yeah thats just a tiny portion of what went on...i DID manage to walk away with a few bags of goodies this time around compared to just the MG wing zero custom from fanimecon last year...all 3 of which i plan on reviewing on youtube but unfortunately i decided not to take chances on any gundam merchandise this time around though it was very tempting...saving all the gundam glory for fanimecon this may
Thursday, February 26, 2009
an update on things
well its been a long time since ive posted something that was well...in actuality from me. now you dont have to keep reading since this whole post is just me B.S'ing about this and that but if you wanna stick around and see what i have to say then fine.
basically im just leaving a little note about whats to become of this page and what its going to be looking like from here and the next actual post. as you can see from the previous posts its all scans and pictures taken from different websites about certain model kits from bandai but this time around im just going to focus more on my personal works which is what i shouldve done to begin with, while also keeping you guys updated with chuncks of info on the latest models kits and such. youll also see some polls sitting here and there, stills of my works in progress, and not only will my video reviews be posted up here but ill also be doing a typed out version of the review which would even have a deeper or even changed opinion given compared to the video version. so yeah basically my page is going to turn like like everyone elses...haha!! yeah not much of differentiation there huh?!
aside from that ive been quiet busy with the armored core kit "nineball"...no not the nineball=seraph screw that mess...im talking about the nineball from the game AC: ninebreaker on and only on PS2. weathering is quiet tedious...with a few slip ups here and there...but im not entirely upset with it...it only opens up for improvements later on and thats what we should all learn from is our mistakes, especially when it comes to model kits. also the progress on the HGUC 1/144 acguy is just on a pause simply because ive resumed work with nineball so no fear!! the rest of the lets build videos will be done and following that will be the review so keep an eye out for that...
and finally ive order a package recently...contains the HG 1/144 gadessa from gundam 00 and the 1/100 astray red frame from gundam seed but technically from gundam seed frame astray...yes i said it..."seed..." and you guys know me as not one who favors that particular series but since the PG 1/60 is coming out soon and i KNOW i wont be getting that ever...well who knows actually...i figured id get into a bit of the action and im excited about it...aside from those kits and my recently arrived 1/144 Linebarrel from the series linebarrels of iron...im also expecting two weathering pastel sets from tamiya along with the 2 aformentioned kits so also look out for more video tutorials on how to use those sometime within the next couple of months but other than that, that sould be all to wrap things up...ill be adjusting a few things before i go to bed tonight, probably just find that poll app. and call it good for now
basically im just leaving a little note about whats to become of this page and what its going to be looking like from here and the next actual post. as you can see from the previous posts its all scans and pictures taken from different websites about certain model kits from bandai but this time around im just going to focus more on my personal works which is what i shouldve done to begin with, while also keeping you guys updated with chuncks of info on the latest models kits and such. youll also see some polls sitting here and there, stills of my works in progress, and not only will my video reviews be posted up here but ill also be doing a typed out version of the review which would even have a deeper or even changed opinion given compared to the video version. so yeah basically my page is going to turn like like everyone elses...haha!! yeah not much of differentiation there huh?!
aside from that ive been quiet busy with the armored core kit "nineball"...no not the nineball=seraph screw that mess...im talking about the nineball from the game AC: ninebreaker on and only on PS2. weathering is quiet tedious...with a few slip ups here and there...but im not entirely upset with it...it only opens up for improvements later on and thats what we should all learn from is our mistakes, especially when it comes to model kits. also the progress on the HGUC 1/144 acguy is just on a pause simply because ive resumed work with nineball so no fear!! the rest of the lets build videos will be done and following that will be the review so keep an eye out for that...
and finally ive order a package recently...contains the HG 1/144 gadessa from gundam 00 and the 1/100 astray red frame from gundam seed but technically from gundam seed frame astray...yes i said it..."seed..." and you guys know me as not one who favors that particular series but since the PG 1/60 is coming out soon and i KNOW i wont be getting that ever...well who knows actually...i figured id get into a bit of the action and im excited about it...aside from those kits and my recently arrived 1/144 Linebarrel from the series linebarrels of iron...im also expecting two weathering pastel sets from tamiya along with the 2 aformentioned kits so also look out for more video tutorials on how to use those sometime within the next couple of months but other than that, that sould be all to wrap things up...ill be adjusting a few things before i go to bed tonight, probably just find that poll app. and call it good for now
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